On my ownsome

100_6101Have you seen the photos from yesterday yet? There’s a nice one of the girls… They all hightailed it over to Puerto Vallarta this morning, if the bus left at 9ish, they’ll probably be there by now. Unfortunately they left the camera, but luckily we’ve got Sally’s photographic memory and fine line in well-observed anecdotes…

I’ve had a great weekend, all in all. Tlaquepaque’s changed a lot since I was last there. For the better… We even managed to pick up the premium tequila that Sita promised to the winner of her feedback questionnaire which saves me a trip to Tequila. The car’s getting sorted out at the mechanic’s today so hopefully we’ll be mobile again soon. Me and this other bloke had to jump start it and it wasn’t having any of it. We had to push it about 500 metres on the flat before we gave up and they went for the tow-truck. I’ve already racked up 10,000 steps on the pedometer and it’s barely lunchtime…

Hopefully tomorrow’s Lucha Libre time again. Sarah & Mark, give us a ring as I’m not sure I’ve got your numbers.

And today’s link:
I Hate Cilantro – an anti cilantro community
In ’98 I couldn’t stand the stuff. And I wasn’t sure about guacamole neither. How things change… (Coriander in the queen’s english, btw)